Provide instant pain relief as well as alleviate knee pain and soreness caused by various reasons
✔ Elastic and fit
✔ Muscular recovery
✔ Keep knees warm
✔ Prevention and treatment for general joint pain
✔ Extra support while doing activities -Suitable for Post-Injury Care
Additional Information
Delivery Process – Your orders will be processed within 7 working days after successful payment. Working days do not include Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays. For Purchase above RM500 (shipping fee may be vary depending on your country) – Contact us for more information +6010 311 0999
Proses penghantaran – Pesanan anda akan diproses dalam masa 7 hari bekerja selepas pembayaran berjaya. Hari bekerja tidak termasuk Sabtu, Ahad & Cuti Umum. Untuk pembelian di atas Rm500 (Kos penghantaran bergantung mengikut setiap negara) – Hubungi kami untuk maklumat lanjut +6010 311 0999
订单处理 – 您的订单将在付款成功后的7个工作日内得到处理。工作日不包括星期六、星期日和公共假期. 购买超过500令吉(运费可能因国家不同而匯率也會不一樣)- 请联系我们了解更多信息 +6010 311 0999
* Depending on the inflation rate of your country, the foreign currency exchange rates may vary from time to time./ Bergantung pada kadar inflasi di negara anda, kadar pertukaran mata wang asing mungkin berbeza dari semasa ke semasa./ 根据你所在国家的通货膨胀,外币汇率可能会时常有变化
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